These 57 short stories are an entertaining introduction to the history of Cleveland, Ohio, for natives and newcomers alike. They hit the highlights—colorful people and remarkable moments from log cabin days to an era of industrial might—and cover subjects from sports to fashion to crime. They first appeared as a weekly newspaper and radio series celebrating the city’s bicentennial in 1996.
Bob Rich’s storytelling ability made him one of the most popular adult education teachers at Cuyahoga Community College. His enthusiasm for local history shines through on the page, too, as he touches on such topics as . . .
• “Ballroom” dancing in the log cabin of settler Lorenzo Carter
• The origin of east side/west side rivalry: a feud over a bridge
• Anti-slavery activity on Public Square and at Oberlin College
• Feisty, gloves-off, partisan journalism in the mid-19th century
• The 41st Ohio Infantry regiment’s valiant Civil War service
• A pro baseball game that ended with a score of 132-1, and bicycle races along Millionaire’s Row
• Perfectionist conductor George Szell, who relentlessly drove the Cleveland Orchestra toward world renown
. . . and the enduring pride of Cleveland’s citizens
Any Clevelander who wants to know a little more about the old hometown will be delighted by these fact-filled stories.